Meng Xu

Meng Xu


Welcome to my website. I was working as a Postdoc Associate in the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities mentored by Dr. Mark Fiecas and Dr. Kathryn Cullen and previously a Postdoc Fellow in the Department of Statistics at the University of Haifa (UH) in Israel, mentored by Prof. Philip Tzvi Reiss.

I have been working on the field of bio/statistics including Functional Data Analysis and Hidden Markov Model. I also expertise in analyzing several large-scale brain image datasets via Matlab and R. Recent statistic projects are related to HMM’s goodness-of-fit and missing strategy, evaluation and measures on data reliability and hypothesis test of difference on distributions, etc. Their applications are across fMRI, Suicidal ideation and NSSI, Experience Sampling Method (ESM), fNIRs and other behavioral data.


  • PhD in Statistics, 2018

    Sichuan University, China

  • BSc in Mathematics, 2011

    Sichuan University, China